Young People (16-25)
Welcome to our homepage for Young People!
We understand that finding and securing the right services/support for your needs can feel overwhelming. On this page, you can find out how to contact us and read all about useful organisations, how to have your voice heard and more.
Watch the video to learn more about what we can do to help you.
What can we do for you?
- Listening to and answering your SEND queries
- Understanding and filling in forms
- Writing letters and reports
- Support, preparation, and advocacy for meetings
- Signposting you to relevant local and national services
- Informing you of your legal rights under SEND law
- Disability discrimination cases
- Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCPs)
- Resolving disagreements, including mediation and tribunals
- Links to local support groups and forums
- Empowering you to make your own decisions with the information provided
- Ongoing confidential impartial support via phone, email, face-to-face
How to make a self referral to us
We have no formal referral process to allow ease of access for you. All you need to do is contact us via any of the methods on our “Contact Us” page, and provide as much of the following details as you can. This will help speed up the process of answering queries:
- Your full name
- Your email address
- Your mobile number
- Your home address and postcode
- Your gender
- Your date of birth
- Your ethnicity
- Your education setting (e.g. name of school/college)
- Your needs (e.g. SEN, diagnoses, suspected conditions, disabilities)
- Reason for referral/outline of enquiry
Looking for something specific?
You may find the following links useful:

Who Can Help?
Learn more about support groups, forums, and organisations that could help

Find Local Information
How to find what's available to you in your local area through the Local Offer

Youth Forum
Want to change the way organisations work with disabled young people? Take part in the forum to have your say!

Respite & Taking a Break
Find out what care and respite services are available in your area

Preparing for Adulthood
Find out about what services are available to help you become more independent

Health & Therapies
Having trouble with your physical and/or mental health? Learn about what you are entitled to here

Post 16 Education
Want to stay in education after school? Find out more about what you can access here

Find out everything you need to know about Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCPs)

Jargon Buster
Not sure what something means? Head over to our Jargon Buster to decode words and phrases relating to education, health, and social care